Bodie State Historic Park (CA)
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MARK TWAIN'S VIRGINIA CITY: Nevada Territory in the 1860s. by Mark Twain. (Samuel Clemens).
Here are the famous humorist's adventures in and around early Virginia City, Nevada
Territory (now Nevada state). There are silver mining, speculation in silver mines, work
in a quartz mill. A trip to Lake Tahoe to secure a timber empire resulted mainly in
starting a forest fire. There was the search for the Lost Cement Mine, and, finally,
reporting for The Territorial Enterprise, Virginia City's rollicking newspaper
that reported the episodes of riches and murders rampant in this important Western mining
center. The writings here were first published in 1872 in "Roughing It", but we
have pulled from the larger work just episodes on Virginia City in order to maintain that
as a focus. Read these Twain anecdotes for fun, but, remember, too, that these incidents
really happened, and that the principals were often in dead earnest; it just took Twain's
insights to show the satirical side of human nature. Illustrations are from the original book and other sources. 64 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
ISBN-10: 0-89646-074-6.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-074-4. Order #: VIST0074 paper$6.95.
A MINER'S SUNDAY, 1849. by Charles B. Gillespie.
This story is set in Coloma, the California gold discovery site of 1848. But it might have happened at any of the gold-rush sites of the West--Virginia City, Cripple Creek, the Klondike--and it probably did, but only on Sunday. Town was a lively place the one day the mines were shut down, with a mix of nationalities engaging in gambling, auctions, horse-racing, shopping for clothes and supplies, eating, drinking, brawling, and general tom-foolery as you might expect from a bunch of young men from all over the world who were off to a get-rich adventure. Illustrations are from early sources, including the original article of 1891, Frederic Remington, and the Crocker Art Museum. 16 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
ISBN-10: 0-89646-005-3. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-005-8. Published by VistaBooks 1981. Order #: VIST0005 paper$3.95.
A TRIP TO BODIE BLUFF and the Dead Sea of the West
(Mono Lake)--in 1863. written and illustrated by J. Ross Browne.
The adventures of a noted humorist of the 1860s during an excursion at their heyday
to the mines of Bodie, Aurora, and the Mono Lake region. Author Browne was a man of many
hats: he was a minerals engineer, an almost politician, locator of coastal post offices in
California, recorder and publisher of California's constitutional convention, and writer
and artist for Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Browne's writing is not of the
"superlative" or romantic variety popular at his time; instead Browne found fun
in the foibles of man's endeavors--and poked at them. In fact, Mark Twain's earlier
writings were on this same region of eastern California and central Nevada, and the
incidents and even the illustrations in Twain's works seem to have been inspired by
Browne's preceding writing. Today, we can still see vestiges of some of the scenes Browne
saw, for California maintains Bodie today in "a state of arrested decay" as a
state park. Park visitors will better understand the scene with these insights from an
earlier visitor.
Illustrated, 72 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
ISBN-10: 0-89646-076-2.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-076-8. Order #: VIST0076 paper$4.95. Out of print except for scuffed-cover copies.
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