Colorado River History Museum (UT)
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THE CAÑONS OF THE COLORADO--the 1869 discovery voyage down the Colorado River. by Major John Wesley Powell.
Note the word ca�ons in the title would today be spelled canyons but we have preserved the usage from the time when this voyage was made and written about by the major himself.
From Wyoming, into
Colorado, through Utah, to Arizona and the Grand Canyon, and to Nevada--this was the
journey of the "Colorado River Exploring Expedition", what Powell called his
group of 9 men and 4 boats as they began charting what was the last major unexplored part
of the then United States. The trip was not only scientific in its goals, but it naturally
became a grand adventure, with two of their party opting to leave the expedition before
attempting a furious cascade, only to be killed by Indians. Much of the land and scenery
which they drifted or dashed past is today included in National Park System areas. Illustrations are by Thomas Moran and others. 64 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
ISBN-10: 0-89646-059-2.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-059-1. Order #:
VISeT0059 paper$4.95.
This book surveys the myriad rock paintings and carvings--numbering possibly some
15,000 sites--pecked into and painted onto boulders and rock surfaces throughout North
America by its aboriginal artists. With photographs and drawings on virtually every page,
this book presents the rock artists through the work they left--illustrating their
extraordinarily diverse techniques, styles, and subjects. Meanings of the designs are
discussed, and their roles in hunting or puberty rites interpreted. Major rock art sites
are located, and methods of recording, preserving, and dating them are indicated. Author
Grant has done rock art books on the Chumash Indians, the Coso Range, and Canyon de
Chelly. 192 pages + 16 page color insert. Large-format. See sample pages, illustrations.
ISBN-10: 0-89646-084-3.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-084-3. Order #: VIST0084 paper$12.95.
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