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Mountain Meadows Massacre Memorial Site (UT)
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ACROSS THE PLAINS IN THE DONNER PARTY: a personal narrative of the overland trip to California, 1846-47. by Virginia Reed Murphy.
Virginia was 12 years old when her family left Springfield, Illinois to trek across the
plains to California, their intended new home, along with 25 fellow emigrants. Along the
way, her grandmother died, her pony had to be left, her family lost their oxen and had to
abandon a wagon with their possessions, her stepfather killed a man and was banished from
the train, and then she and her group were trapped in snows at the eastern foot of the
Sierra Nevada crest at and near what is now Donner Lake and Truckee, California.
As a result, 13 of those who started with her in Springfield, and 29 more who
joined her along the way, never did cross those mountains. Here is the little
girl's story, written by her later as an adult, now a part of the American epic
of winning the West. Reprinted from Century Magazine with illustrations added from Frederic
Remington and others. 64 pages.
ISBN: 978-0-89646-099-7. Order #: VIST0099 paper$7.95. See sample pages, illustrations.
DIARY OF PATRICK BREEN: one of the Donner Party (CA). by Frederick J. Teggart.
Diary kept by 1846-47 Donner Party emigrant who survived over-winter entrapment in
Sierra snow near Truckee, California. Breen and his family all survived the ordeal, but many from other groups perished. The diary records days of snowfall, the experiences of others who were marooned with them, and the scant food available, plus delayed attempts from outside to rescue them. 7 photos, 16 pages. See sample pages, illustrations
ISBN: 978-0-89646-102-4. Order #VIST0102 paper$3.95.
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